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Functional Training and Beyond

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Functional Training and Beyond
Product Details

Functional Training and Beyond: Building the Ultimate Superfunctional Body and Mind
Discover the body and brain training designed to unlock amazing hidden potential.
Change lives. Many have forgotten how to move correctly, resulting in muscular imbalances, constant pain, and low energy. Explore “The Bioneer”--book author Adam Sinicki—who provides expertise on functional training, brain training, productivity, flow states, and more. Better than functional. Functional training is exercise as rehabilitation. It aims to restore normal, healthy strength and mobility using compound and multi-faceted movements. Train your athletes to become “better than just functional.” Improve physical performance and mental state while moving better, thinking more clearly, feeling energetic, and living more efficiently. Advance the way to train. Until now working out has had one of two goals─get bigger or get leaner. But why are those the only goals? What if there was a third, practical, healthy and exciting way to train the body and mind? Train the brain just like the body, incorporating this into a comprehensive, well-rounded program.

BOC Approval & Expiry
BOC (Board of Certification, Inc.) 10 CEU Dec 31, 2027 More about professional approvals here.

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  • Kindle eBook: 8213 KB. ASIN: B08RZBZS3B. Accessible in the U.S. only. You must have an active amazon account and understand how to access your Kindle eBook via the access link that you receive from us. Learn more here.
  • Book: Paperback, 384pp. Jan 2021ISBN-13: 978-1642505030. Book preview | Author bio
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