Ending Pain
Pain is not always the result of injury or disease. Discover how to identify and treat the true origins of pain through bodywork and pain therapy and Coaching The Body® system (CTB). Discover the evidence-based science that identifies the brain as the origin of pain, and is a response to danger signals from trigger points that feed the brain’s innate protective instinct. Alleviate pain by interrupting the peripheral danger signals using highly effective manual therapy techniques to remove trigger points. Exploit the brain’s neuroplasticity by providing an experience of pain-free movement and harness a revolutionary approach for clients, self-care and movement-based therapies such as yoga and corrective exercise.
BOC Approval & Expiry
BOC (Board of Certification, Inc.) | 10 CEU | Dec 31, 2027 | More about professional approvals here. |
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- Kindle eBook: 18944 KB. ASIN: B0BCCBMRMS. Accessible in the U.S. only. You must have an active amazon account and understand how to access your Kindle eBook via the access link that you receive from us. Learn more here.
- Book: Paperback, 312pp. Sep 2022. ISBN-13: 978-1544533377. Book preview | Author bio